The Breaking of the Seventh Seal by Gregoire de Kalbermatten


An action-packed fantasy about the Avasthas, a race that vanished ten thousand years ago and their re-appearance in these times. The returned Avasthas must solve the riddles of the blue and yellow feathers in order to progress from the Outer World of human interactions to the Inner World of spiritual endowment and powers. It is only when this knowledge is readily available to all that the Devil's plot will be defeated on earth and the Great Schism of man's split identity will be overcome.

“The magic of The Breaking Of the Seventh Seal is that it causes you effortlessly to introspect; but so deeply that the thrill of the experience is transformative.” James Kosakow, Attorney, New York City

Message from the Author: Let us look for books we should not just read, but that we should experience. A book can be more than just words. When we discover parts of ourselves, real or potential, revealed through the unfolding of the plot, we do more than read. If this book works in this way for you, you will notice. If it doesn’t there are still plenty of tips that you may find useful. In any case the invitation remains: don’t read the book: read yourself.

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